Respiratory Technicians Board

California Respiratory Care Board Lawyers

Respiratory Technicians LawyersRespiratory Care practitioners provide essential patient care duties in hospitals and other healthcare facilities throughout California. They treat patients who have various breathing-related conditions and complications and must have a great deal of knowledge and stamina to handle the long hours and demands placed upon them.

Even the best California Respiratory Care practitioner can make a mistake or receive a complaint. If the Board feels the complaint is worth further investigation, the practitioner can find him or herself in a very scary and uncomfortable situation. A formal “Accusation,” which usually seeks to revoke a RCP’s license, is something that you should not take lightly and it requires the assistance of highly experienced legal counsel.

The attorneys at The Law Offices of Brown & Brown have a combined total of over 70 years of legal experience and have handled many cases before this board and most of the others in California. Adam B. Brown is proud and excited to be helping our clients in his father’s footsteps and especially enjoys trying cases when a settlement with the Board isn’t possible. His record at trial is exceptional, and his experience and that of his father’s are the reasons for this.

What To Do If You Are Contacted by the Respiratory Care Board

The first thing to do is NOT TO TALK. We cannot emphasize this advice enough. The Board cannot force you to talk, nor should you feel obligated to do so. This does not mean there aren’t other ways to cooperate with them while still protecting your license–the best way being to call the highly experienced attorneys at Brown & Brown who will speak on your behalf, while aggressively protecting you from harming your case by speaking to investigators, Attorneys General, or others who may try to elicit harmful statements and admissions from you. Now is the time to protect yourself with the best defense available–with over 70 years of combined practice, call Brown & Brown immediately for your free initial conference.

Our attorneys have saved countless RCP careers from ruin, not to mention the collateral effects on those the RCP supports and cares for.

When you’ve worked so hard for your RCP license, you owe it to yourself to call the very best administrative attorneys in the state–call Brown & Brown today for your free initial conference where we will answer your questions, calm your nerves and let you sleep well at night while we attend to the details and insulate you from harming your license and career. It’s what you DON’T say that matters most–call today for your free initial conference and protect the license and career you’ve worked so hard for. There is never any obligation and we will discuss our fees openly with you at that time. Our clients often commend us for how well we put their minds at ease at such a stressful time and we are proud of our record of excellent results before the RCP board, as well as most of the others in the state of California.

We have seen every type of case there is before the Respiratory Care Board, and we can certainly help you with yours.