Medicare/Medi-Cal/Tricare Fraud

Medicare/Medi-Cal/Tricare Fraud Attorneys with the Experience to Protect You

Health care fraud accusations are extremely serious. If you have been accused of Medi-Cal, Medicare or Tricare fraud, or if you even suspect that you will be accused, you should act immediately. If convicted, you face the following life-changing penalties:

Millions of dollars in fines

Significant jail or prison time

Loss of your professional license

Loss of your provider number and billing privileges

And more

Medicare Fraud Defense

Fortunately, there may be things we can do to help you avoid these penalties. At Brown & Brown, we have significant experience in this area and we can help you.

Make no mistake: The government wants its money back, and it will aggressively attempt to recover it.

But you need to know that you have certain rights, including the right to an attorney. And when it comes to choosing an attorney, experience matters.

Do Not Wait Another Second; Contact Us Now

You need experience on your side. Do not settle for anything less. To schedule a free consultation, please call 310-792-1315 or complete our online contact form.