Bureau of Real Estate

California Department of Real Estate Lawyers

Real Estate LawyersWith the considerable volatility of the real estate market over the last few years, real estate agents have been working harder and harder for fewer qualified clients than ever before. With the considerable stresses and demands placed upon licensed real estate agents and brokers comes the danger of errors, omissions, and sometimes intentional efforts to sidestep the rules for personal gain. Even the most well-intentioned agent or broker can get into trouble with the California Department of Real Estate. A smart licensee should retain the highly experienced attorneys at Brown & Brown the moment he or she believes something has occurred that may bring a complaint or filing against him/her by the Department.

When the Board launches an investigation into a licensed agent or broker, it is often quite an unpleasant experience–and one that requires that you insulate yourself from speaking directly to the Department of Real Estate. This is the time to hire counsel, lest you do more harm to your case than good. Speaking directly to the investigators is almost never in your best interests, despite assertions to the contrary by Department investigators who will often claim they just want to “get your side of the story” or “help you out.” Be very, very cautious of these claims–we cannot emphasize enough how many times our clients have come to us AFTER they’ve spoken to the investigators…usually, with great regret about having talked at all. Hire counsel, let them speak for you, and sleep soundly at night knowing you are not alone in dealing with one of the most aggressive licensing agencies in California.

I’ve Been Served With An Accusation by the Department of Real Estate…Now What?

The best possible advice in this situation is to immediately hire counsel! Do not discuss the case with the Attorney General, the investigator(s) who may visit you, other licensees, friends, or anyone else. Contact the highly experienced attorneys at Brown & Brown immediately to protect your license and career. We offer a free initial consultation at which time we will do our best to answer your questions, discuss our proven strategies learned over 62-plus years of practice, and allow you to relax a bit knowing you have the best representation in the state working for you and your license.

The California Department of Real Estate Lawyers at Brown & Brown Are Here to Help

Avoiding all communication with the Department and retaining the attorneys at Brown & Brown to communicate on your behalf is the single best move you can make to protect your license and career. There is nothing you can do to help yourself by talking.

Our partner is Adam B. Brown, who is celebrating over 10 years of successful practice and has honed his negotiating skills before all the state boards and agencies by mastering the skills learned from his father’s extensive and unparalleled experience in this field.

At Brown & Brown, we are extremely proud of our unrivaled track record of avoiding revocation of our clients’ licenses before all the state boards.

Give us a call today to see what we can do for you and protect the career you’ve worked so hard to achieve.