Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine

California Naturopathic Medicine Committee Lawyers

Naturopathic LawyersNaturopathic medicine is one of the oldest continually licensed healthcare professions in the country. The California Naturopathic Medicine Committee was placed under the supervision of the Osteopathic Medicine Board by the state legislature in 2009 and is charged with regulating and disciplining the approximately 450 licensees allowed to practice this type of medicine in California.

Because there are many misconceptions about the many facets of naturopathic medicine in California, there is much public confusion as to its many beneficial healing effects. Sometimes, this results in the filing of complaints against California naturopathic doctors, which can cause great stress and anxiety, and can possibly result in the revocation of a license in serious cases.

The best thing to do the minute you learn you may have made an error or may be investigated is to call the highly experienced administrative law attorneys at Brown & Brown for a free initial consultation.

I’m Being Investigated or Have Received an “Accusation”…Now What?

Our best advice for someone in this situation is NOT to talk to the Committee or its attorneys (the California Attorney General), but to immediately contact the highly skilled and experienced attorneys at Brown & Brown for a free consultation. We will answer all your questions, discuss your options, our opinions of the chances of success, and our fees, of course. There is absolutely no obligation to retain us, and we do not believe in a “hard sell” approach, but rather strive to ease our clients’ anxiety by providing them with the benefit of our over 70 combined years of law practice and the experience that usually saves their license from revocation.

Again, don’t talk to anyone. Call Brown & Brown today for a free consultation and protect the license you’ve worked so hard to achieve. We understand what’s at stake in a situation like this, and we work relentlessly to protect you and your license.

Adam B. Brown, is celebrating over 10 years of representing licensees of all types before all state agencies in California. We love what we do, we’re the most experienced, and we know how to get the best results. Give us a call today and let the most experienced firm in the state help you and save your career.