Physical Therapists Board

Physical Therapy Board Lawyers

Physical Therapy Board LawyersAttorneys for California Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

The attorneys at Brown & Brown understand very well the considerable stress that comes with being a physical therapist in California. The stresses of dealing with people in pain and discomfort, as well as the challenging nature of the work itself, can be difficult to handle and mistakes and misjudgments do happen. Whether you have a problem on or off the job, you face potential discipline up to and including revocation of your license and the loss of the career you have worked so hard to achieve. This is why it’s crucial to know what to do if you are threatened with, or receive, a formal complaint or investigation by the Physical Therapy Board of California.

Call the Physical Therapy Board Lawyers at Brown & Brown

As soon as you become aware that you may be facing ANY type of discipline or investigation by the Physical Therapy Board of California, or you are served with the charging document called an “Accusation,” you should immediately call the highly experienced lawyers at the Law Offices of Brown & Brown. Especially at an early stage, it is crucial that you do not say or do anything that may possibly harm your Board case.

Many clients hire Brown & Brown the minute they realize something they have, or haven’t, done may get them in trouble with the Board and enjoy the comfort of knowing the most experienced attorneys in this field in California will protect them and speak on their behalf. This “insurance policy” as many clients call it, provides peace of mind, a great reduction in stress, and the comfort of knowing that the lawyers at Brown & Brown will speak for the client, thus removing the potential for serious harm to the client’s case by talking to inspectors, investigators, the Attorney General, undercover agents, etc. Our Physical Therapy Board lawyers are backed by over 70 years of combined experience and can minimize, if not eliminate, any harm a client representing himself or herself might unintentionally cause.

The Brown & Brown lawyers do everything possible to get you and your license the best result that can be achieved. Our only goal is to see your case end favorably for you and your license. From the pre-Accusation, or investigatory, phase to representing clients at trial, we pride ourselves on making your experience as stress free as possible. Even if you need assistance with a Petition for Reinstatement, we can help you complete it properly. We also handle appeals of Citations and Fines by the Board. We have represented countless physical therapists successfully and want to help you enjoy a favorable outcome to your Board case, as well. Call us today.

Brown & Brown is Completely Dedicated to Protecting Your License and Career

When you call the Physical Therapy Board lawyers at the Law Offices of Brown & Brown for a free initial consultation, you will quickly see that we are dedicated to helping you keep your license and career–that is our overarching concern in every case.

You’ve worked incredibly hard for your P.T. career–don’t let the Board take your license without a fight! Call the hard working and extremely experienced lawyers at Brown & Brown today for a free consultation–you have nothing to lose…and remember, don’t go it alone, no matter what the Attorney General tells you.