Administrative Discipline and Criminal Defense

California Criminal Defense for Licensed and Unlicensed Professionals

Criminal DefenseAllegations of professional misconduct are not the only way to see your career thrown into jeopardy. Whether you are a health care professional charged with fraud or another licensed professional arrested on charges of DUI, theft or any other crime in California, criminal charges can threaten not just your professional future, but also your freedom.

When everything you’ve worked so hard for is at stake, you can’t afford not to have a legal team committed to preserving your freedom and your professional reputation. At the Law Offices of Brown & Brown, keeping our clients licensed and out of trouble with the law is what we do every single day — our attorneys do nothing else. With decades of experience and a belief in working hard on behalf of hardworking Californians, we can help you confront the legal challenges that professional discipline and criminal charges can bring.

Many people think they need different lawyers to handle their administrative and criminal defense needs. As a full-service firm, however, our attorneys can handle every aspect of your case, providing you with superior legal counsel in criminal court and in administrative hearings.

Don’t Delay Getting The Legal Help That Could Save Your Career … And Preserve Your Freedom

It is never too early to speak with a lawyer about your legal options following a criminal arrest. It is always better to defend your license from a position of strength, and by seeking qualified legal help as soon as possible, you will allow our firm to develop the strongest possible case when criminal charges threaten your professional credentials.

Our attorneys represent professionals facing a wide range of misdemeanor and felony criminal charges in California, including:

Driving under the influence


Assault and battery

Sexual assault


While we are the preeminent administrative law firm in the state, we are also highly experienced criminal defense attorneys who can provide additional legal counsel in specific cases. We offer our clients the best of one-on-one interaction with a lawyer and wider access to criminal defense expertise.