Legal Malpractice FAQ: When does an attorney owe a duty of care to non clients, and can a non client file a legal malpractice claim?
Legal malpractice can be a very confusing area, especially when it comes to non-clients. Ultimately, not knowing the rules could affect an attorney’s…
6 Ways to Have Your Medical License Revoked in California
There are many ways a physician can suffer the humiliation, pain and frustration of having his or her medical license revoked, often times before a very unsympathetic and heartless Medical…
Why You Need a California Administrative Law Attorney
Healthcare workers are subject to some of the most onerous and confusing licensing statutes and requirements of anyone in the state of California. This includes physicians, registered nurses, certified nurse…
I’m a California Physician and I’ve Been Arrested – What Should I do?
This is a common question we receive and you should know these are not do it yourself cases. lf you are a California doctor and have been, or suspect you…
4 Reporting Requirements for Lost or Stolen Prescription Pads
On many occasions, we have represented clients who have run into difficulty with the Medical Board of California due to a doctor’s prescription pads being lost or stolen. Our clients…
An Important Message During COVID-19
In light of the very difficult COVID-19 virus situation, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Brown & Brown are very aware of, and concerned about, our clients’ and potential…
Due Process for Accused Licensed Professionals in Disciplinary Proceedings
Most licensed professionals never anticipate getting in trouble with the licensing Board, and most never do. So it isn’t surprising that very few are aware of the disciplinary procedures. For…
Will I Be Excluded From Medicare and Medi-Cal or Other State Health Provider Programs Due to a Conviction?
This is a highly important question we receive often and it is one which can have a very dramatic impact on your income and a provider’s ability to continue to…
CPJE Scandal Brings in New Rules
After the highly publicized CPJE cheating scandal, the California Board of Pharmacy has announced to pharmacist applicants taking the California Practice Standards and Jurisprudence Exam (CPJE) on December 19, 20…
How to Prepare for a California Pharmacy Board Inspection
We receive countless requests from clients asking how to best prepare for a California Pharmacy Board inspection. Our first rule of thumb is to make sure that all patient files…